return on generosity

R.O.G. Return on Generosity Podcast

March 27, 2024

I had the absolute pleasure to be a guest on the R.O.G. podcast with host, Shannon Cassidy. You can find the link in today’s article.

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Kindness needs nurturing

What seeds are you watering in life? Kindness needs nurturing too.

March 12, 2024

Is it possible to build “soft” habits and skills, like kindness? With practice, they can become a part of your daily life. Read more for ideas how to nurture them in your life too.

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world book day reading fiction inspires empathy

Celebrate World Book Day: Reading Fiction Inspires Empathy

April 24, 2023

April 23rd was World Book Day. To celebrate, pick one up today! We can live a different life with every book we open. Sharing emotions with each character we embrace, fiction inspires empathy. Making time for fiction benefits everyone.

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New York City when kindness goes wrong

When Kindness Goes Wrong

February 23, 2023

Acts of kindness are usually positive experiences–for the doer and the receiver. But not always. What do you do when kindness goes wrong?

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Finding Stillness in nature

Finding Stillness

January 27, 2023

Life is noisy. Finding stillness can have benefits for our wellbeing and create opportunities for kindness. Take a few moments today to read how you can find stillness in your life.

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“Just be quiet and think. It’ll make all the difference in the world.”
-Mr. Rogers

gratitude challenge day 7 family recipes

Gratitude Challenge – The Little Things

November 24, 2022

The busy holidays are almost here. Be kind to yourself: take a moment to savor the good in life. Join me in my Gratitude Challenge.

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"Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever."
-Charlotte Brontë

too much time on the to dos

Too Much Time on the To Dos

September 23, 2022

Are you spending too much time on the to dos of life? I was so focused on getting things done, I forgot to be kind. Injecting positivity in my relationship helped break that bad habit.

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creating a kindness habit-is it worth it?

Creating a Kindness Habit

June 6, 2022

About a year ago, I launched my pursuit to create the habit of kindness in my life. Today I reflect on the ups and downs of the journey.

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Cultivate instantaneous generosity by Oliver Burkeman

4000 Weeks: Make Time for Kindness Now

April 26, 2022

Are you always looking for the next trick to be more productive but somehow always feel like you’re running behind? Me too. Here’s a way and why to prioritize kindness.

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LovingKindness Meditation – Give it a try!

March 7, 2022

Everyone needs some peace, love and kindness right now. Take a chance and give LovingKindness meditation a try today.

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Widen Your Lens of Love

Widen Your Lens of Love This Valentine’s Day

February 11, 2022

Does your Valentine’s Day typically end up in disappointment? Widen your lens of love and bring more joy and kindness into your life.

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“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”

Complimenting others is good for you too

Complimenting Others is Good for You Too

December 7, 2021

It figures that complimenting someone brings them joy. Don’t underestimate how good it is for you too.

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