world kindness day 2023

World Kindness Day 2023

November 13, 2023

World Kindness Day is today. It’s the perfect reason to take a moment, perhaps even set our differences aside, and consider…how can we be kind to each other today? Read on for some ideas on how you can make a difference in someone’s life.

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See something, say something kind airport security line

If You See Something, Say Something Kind

September 29, 2023

Read how a simple exchange between two strangers in the TSA security line created a ripple effect of kindness. Are you willing to say something kind when you see it?

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Levain opt-out email for father's day

Sensitive Holiday Opt-Out Emails: Respectful Outreach or Coercive Ploy?

June 15, 2023

Father’s Day is not a joyful holiday for everyone and companies are acknowledging that and giving customers a choice with opt-out emails. Is it an act of kindness or just slick marketing?

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One Drive-Thru Order Sparks a Chain Reaction of Kindness

June 2, 2023

One small act can create a chain reaction of kindness. Read how a drive-thru order led to an entire day of giving.

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man called otto

7 Kindness Lessons from “A Man Called Otto”

April 13, 2023

“A Man Called Otto” isn’t just another feel good Tom Hanks movie. You’ll walk away from this story with some valuable life lessons as well.

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“Human beings want to be useful. When we help, we feel empowered, our self-worth skyrockets, and our bonds with other people become stronger.”
-Angela Santomero

be my neighbor day

Be My Neighbor Day–15 Acts of Kindness for Your Neighbor

March 20, 2023

Be My Neighbor Day encourages a spirit of kindness and friendship between neighbors. Here are 15 ideas to get you started.

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painting the future helping kids in ukraine

How Can We Help Ukrainian Children? By Painting the Future

March 17, 2023

Read the inspirational kindness story of Caroline Cappy, a 29 year-old American woman who moved to Ukraine in the middle of the war with a purpose-driven mission to help displaced children.

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random acts of kindness day today

Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 12, 2023

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. A single act of kindness can completely turn your day around. What will you choose to do today?

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holiday decorating an act of kindness

Holiday Decorating—An Act of Kindness

December 12, 2022

Decorating for the holidays takes time and money. Is it really worth the effort? It is when you consider it from another angle—an act of kindness.

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Mister Rogers Kindness deep and Simple

Mister Rogers: Kindness – Deep & Simple

November 11, 2022

Mister Rogers is an American legend in television. He also taught us valuable lessons for life. Mister Rogers was a beacon of kindness – deep and simple.

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Channeling Grief Into Action_Breast Cancer Awareness

Channeling Grief into Action

October 27, 2022

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent cancer. Alan Vuong’s family felt its impact firsthand. Read how Alan is channeling his grief into action and saving lives along the way.

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"As of the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer."
-World Health Organization

Pass it on a quick kindness story

Pass It On – A Quick Kindness Story

September 28, 2022

Need a pick me up today? Take a few minutes to read “Pass It On” – a quick kindness story and see the ripple effect in action.

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