When does being given a ticket make you smile?

When does being given a ticket make you smile?

Story by Sammie , Oslo, Norway

I moved to Norway two years ago, and generally, when running errands, people don’t talk or engage with strangers.  They keep to themselves and respect your personal space.  One day, I pulled into a car park and was about to park in a free space when I noticed the car next to me had just arrived.  So, I waited for them to get out of the car before pulling in to make it easier for them.  Once they had gone, I pulled in and got out of my car.  The man driving the other car then approached me with a ticket from the machine.  When he had gone to get his own ticket, he also collected one for me.  I was so surprised by this gesture and thanked the man.  This small act lifted my spirits and me smile the whole way around the store.

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