I Want to Thank You

Do you have skills to share?

I have tech guilt.

I completely underutilize my devices’ capabilities.  And it seems that with every upgrade, I fall further behind.  A perfect example was my rudimentary ability to take pictures on my iPhone.  People (who actually know something about taking pictures) don’t even buy cameras anymore because the iPhone is now just that good.  All that potential, and my pictures still looked like this.

Photos can make or break a website.  So, I knew that if I wanted to go public with this blog, I needed to do something about my lack of skill.  A good friend of mine from London, Anthony, is a successful video producer and just happened to be coming by for a visit.  I decided to ask him for some tips on making quick improvements to my photography.  He made a few tweaks to my settings, added gridlines to the camera, and explained some basic concepts like the “Rule of Thirds.”  I was grateful for the mini-tutorial and hopeful I wouldn’t forget everything by the next day.

A couple of days went by when I got the following texts.

What?!  Not only had he remembered I had wanted to improve…he followed up!

With those few encouraging texts, our daily photography lessons began.  I learned about balancing light and adjusting exposure, keeping vertical lines straight and parallel, how and when to use the portrait mode, photo composition and the importance of moving coffee cups off the table – just to name a few.  Anthony’s small effort of taking a few minutes each day to share his talents with me made a big difference in my life.  Of course, I have a lot more to learn, but I’ve definitely climbed up the technology ladder a few rungs and have some beautiful shots to prove it.

Do you have skills you can share with others?

I think everyone does.  Here’s how to make your own efforts make that difference in someone’s life.

1. Identify things you can do that might be needed by others.

You don’t have to be a professional to provide value to someone else.  Perhaps you like dogs and could take your neighbor’s out during the day while they’re on zooms with work?  Or maybe you could help your nephew complete his tax return or work on his resume?  My dad taught my kids to drive. It definitely saved my nerves, and sharing such a milestone experience enhanced their relationship with their grandpa.

2. Consider the people in your life.

A lot of us look like we have everything together and running like clockwork.  Fake it till you make it!  But if you delve a little deeper, most of us could use an extra boost even when we don’t realize it.  Don’t be afraid to look beyond your immediate circle.  Maybe the PTA President needs graphics designed for a school event?  Maybe your friend needs help organizing her wardrobe for a new job?  Or perhaps your daughter’s roommate is interested in your career and you could offer her to shadow you for a day?  Start actively looking for ways to help and you will be surprised at the opportunities you discover.

3. Here’s the hardest step – REACH OUT.

Being kind takes courage.  But it also has big payoffs.  Your effort to share your talents and skills will benefit both the recipient and you.  Start creating a habit of sharing yourself with others today.

What are the skills and talents you can share with others?  Sometimes the hardest part is coming up with the HOW to help.  Please post your thoughts in the comments below.  As always, let’s be kindful of each other.

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